Artists Who Thrive Book
Artists Who Thrive Book
What happens when you focus on Resilience, Relationships and Results as an artist?
You thrive.
What is holding you back? Why do you stuff your artistic pursuits at the bottom of your agenda? Why have your dreams and artistic visions been shoved into a proverbial shoe box under your bed? How can you prioritize your art? How can you channel the magic that others see in you? How can you make consistent, sustainable revenue from your artistic pursuits? What types of shifts are necessary to allow financial success to be yours? Who are the people holding you back? What are the habits you need to kick right now in order to get there?
This is a bold and honest account of one womanʼs journey from “starving artist” to entrepreneur. Filled with anecdotes and advice about how to make it in the world as a creative person. Whether youʼre a painter, a musician, a writer, a chef, a dancer or a stay at home mom who yearns to leap into a new career, this book is for you. Being a starving artist is a choice just as much as becoming a thriving artist is a choice. This is the swift kick in the ass you needed to get working on turning your dreams a reality.